Wojciech Piecha

Wojciech Piecha

  • Constituency No. 73
  • Terms: X, IX
  • E-mail:

Senator of the 9 th and 10 th term Senate


He was born on 13 February 1958 in Rybnik.
In 1985, he graduated from the Faculty of Mining of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. In 2006, he completed post-graduate studies in Health and Safety Management in Industry at the Central Mining Institute in Katowice.
From 1985 to 2007, he worked in the Hard Coal Mine ‘Jankowice’ in Rybnik, holding the following positions: trainee, overman of mining divisions, shift foreman, senior mining foreman and health and safety manager. From 2007 to 2012, he was the Head of Production Management in Kompania Węglowa SA, Centrum Wydobywcze Południe (a coal extraction centre) in Rybnik. In 2012, he returned to the ‘Jankowice’ Coal Mine, where he worked as the health and safety senior foreman until 2015, when he retired.
From 2007 to 2015, he was a Councillor of the Rybnik City Council.
He belongs the ‘Kadra’ Trade Union.
Member of the Law and Justice party.