Tomasz Grodzki

Tomasz Grodzki

  • Constituency No. 97
  • Civic Platform Election Committee
  • Terms: XI, X, IX

Born on 13th May 1958 in Szczecin.
1983 – graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pomeranian Medical Academy (currently: Pomeranian Medical University) in Szczecin. Obtained a first degree specialisation in general surgery and a second degree specialisation in  ardiothoracic surgery and clinical transplantation. Received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (1991) and the habilitated doctor degree (2003). A professor of medical science since 2010. Started working as an intern at the Provincial Centre of Occupational Medicine in Szczecin in 1983. Employee of Professor Alfred Sokołowski Specialist Hospital in Szczecin-Zdunowo since 1984 and its director since 1998. Became the director of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department in 1995. Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgery And Clinical Transplantation Clinic of the Department of Cardiothoracic Diseases of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin since 2003. Active cardiothoracic surgeon and transplantologist. Specialises in  lung transplantation.
2006−2015 – a member of Szczecin City Council.
2003–2004 – the chairman of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. First Polish member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. 1997–2014 – a deputy chairman of the Council of the Transplantology Aid Foundation in Szczecin. Member of the Civic Platform Party of Poland.
Married, has two children.